Sunday, April 20

Inspired by the Quonset

The Quonset was locked two days ago. The sound was taken outdoors to the old bus parking lot where Karl bayed his song under the full moonlight for an audience of friends, neighbors, and empty buildings.

bay 4 (b)
1. A deep, prolonged bark, such as the sound made by hounds.
2. The position of one cornered by pursuers and forced to turn and fight at close quarters: The hunters brought their quarry to bay.
3. The position of having been checked or held at a distance: "He has seen the nuclear threat held at bay for 40 years" Earl W. Foell.
v. bayed, bay·ing, bays
To utter a deep, prolonged bark.
1. To pursue or challenge with barking: "I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon" Shakespeare.
2. To express by barking or howling: a mob baying its fury.
3. To bring to bay: "too big for the dogs which tried to bay it" William Faulkner.


BoMo said...

sweet jesus...could karl be any more of a medium for the human spirit? a truer artist i do not know. that howl came from a place that has been lost to most men due to aftershave and internet porn. night time is the right time, as they say.

leslie said...
