Tuesday, August 5

PEAboDY 1999 - 2008

The Hoxie & I spent nine wonderfully rich years with this fella named Peabody. Over the past few weeks the cancer started to diminish the quality of his life to a point that his physical appearance and personality were no longer the same. Pea's two veterinarian/caregivers came over to join us at the house last week to share a few final moments with him. It was a peaceful departure.

I'm glad to be done with this month.


leslie said...

Peabody was such a sweet soul! Poor puppy--I know he'll be missed.

Anonymous said...

Oh man. I know the journey all too well. We took him home one last time...

I am so sorry...


I know you're in a better place, even though I can't touch your face. The nights were filled with your purr, soft white whiskers stopped the hurt.

Once well listened, your eyes how they glistened, in spite of your misery, pain needed set free...